49101 - Abraham Lincoln
SKU: 49101
70 days. (ab, asc) (Indeterminate) [The original Abraham Lincoln was a late-maturing variety introduced about 1923. This early season selection (circa 1975) ripens 10-12 days earlier, has smaller fruit, and does not have the bronze-green foliage characteristic of the original.] Flavor is slightly acidic and distinctive. Plants have excellent resistance to foliage disease - highly recommended where foliage disease is a problem. Medium-sized, red fruits are very uniform.
Read more about Abraham Lincoln tomato in this Mother Earth News article >>
Read more about Abraham Lincoln tomato in this Mother Earth News article >>
70 days. (ab, asc) (Indeterminate) [The original Abraham Lincoln was a late-maturing variety introduced about 1923. This early season selection (circa 1975) ripens 10-12 days earlier, has smaller fruit, and does not have the bronze-green foliage characteristic of the original.] Flavor is slightly acidic and distinctive. Plants have excellent resistance to foliage disease - highly recommended where foliage disease is a problem. Medium-sized, red fruits are very uniform.
Read more about Abraham Lincoln tomato in this Mother Earth News article >>
Read more about Abraham Lincoln tomato in this Mother Earth News article >>