49264 - Mountaineer Delight
SKU: 49264
(fw, lb, sls, vw) 77 days. (Indeterminate) [WVU 2017. In 1963, West Virginia U. professor Mannon Gallegly released West Virginia 63 tomato, one of the first tomatoes bred for Late Blight resistance. 50 years later, Gallegly and colleague Mahfuz Rahman used WV 63 tomato to breed two new, larger tomatoes, with disease resistance now including Septoria leaf spot!] Larger red beefsteak, sweeter flavor than the original West Virginia 63 tomato. Great disease resistance, fruits hold well on the vine.
(fw, lb, sls, vw) 77 days. (Indeterminate) [WVU 2017. In 1963, West Virginia U. professor Mannon Gallegly released West Virginia 63 tomato, one of the first tomatoes bred for Late Blight resistance. 50 years later, Gallegly and colleague Mahfuz Rahman used WV 63 tomato to breed two new, larger tomatoes, with disease resistance now including Septoria leaf spot!] Larger red beefsteak, sweeter flavor than the original West Virginia 63 tomato. Great disease resistance, fruits hold well on the vine.